So, I'm back after having a horrible few days, and I also wasn't sure there was anything worth writing. Now there is.
Firstly, the bleeding has really stopped, except for a few blood clots with no bleeding, which is strange, but they seem to be subsiding.
I did ring the clinic back on Saturday and it was discussed that I may have to go in and have my lining checked and B/W to see if it was definitely still just the lining coming out and it wasn't anything awful going on, and also to check my white blood cells for any signs of infection. I was told to call back Sunday and let them know what was happening, and by then the bleeding had stopped, only little blood clots, so they said that's fine and I am still to just rest for the next day or so. The pain that day was really bad again, and I know my endo ladies will know what I mean when I say I felt like I was being stabbed from my 'behind' and it all cramps up back there. It takes your breath away and I was bend over the towel rail in the bathroom at one point, unable to sit down on the loo because the cramps literally stop you from being able to move. So dosed up on painkillers and touch wood, I've been fine since.
I also received the letter about the FET treatments from the clinic, but still no end of treatment follow up letter.
The letter basically explains to two different ways to do the treatment as I explained in my last post, just a little more in depth. I think they prefer you to have a medicated cycle for timings and planning.
It also states that 'natural vs HRT FER are unclear as no well conducted studies have compared the two (such a trial is ongoing in Oxford)'
I think this may the the study that the nurse told me about last week.
I am all for doing a natural cycle, and it's not such a long cycle as a medicated one.
I also think, I have tried the medicated IVF and that didn't work, maybe my body will work a bit naturally, doing a more natural cycle?
It does state that they can only do a natural cycle on someone who has regular ovulatory cycles. So I am just about to buy myself a shed load of LH strips again, so I can see what my cycles are doing between now and February, because I am sure I didn't ovulate naturally for about 3 cycles after I finished Clomid, so I want to see what my body is doing now, so no surprises come February and I can plan ahead if I need to change my treatment plan to a medicated cycle.
I am just about to buy the LH strips, and of course, you can buy the mixed packs of LH strips and HPTs! I know I only need the LH strips and I don't want to even have HPTs in the house, especially not those evils ICs, but I just cannot help myself in thinking I will be kicking myself next cycle if I don't take the offer of the HPTs as well!! But I also know there is no way on this earth that I will get pg naturally, so why would I need the HPTs???
Damn it, I'm going for the LH strips only!! If I come back tomorrow and say I bought the mixed pack, please promise to virtually slap me around the face!?
I can't believe I am back TTC naturally, that's a bit of a bummer to be truthful, but I won't actually be TTC, just keeping an eye on making sure my body is doing as it should.
So worried that all the meds are going to have messed something up in there.
I have had other stuff going on as well. I finally finished the friendship with my friend of over 20 years. I have no idea what is going on in that head of hers, I really don't. Its hard enough to deal with the way she treated me during my IVF cycle, and what she said last week about having an iPhone5 being better than having a baby....... She's very bad with drinking and drugs at the moment, she needs an intervention, but to be honest, I know there is no talking to her and I'm not going to waste my time. She has a new set of druggie mates she has round her house all the time, these are girls who have lost custody of their own children to social services because they chose their drug habit over their own children. So to my friend, I must be really boring because I don't do these things, so it probably doesn't bother her to have lost me as a friend.
I've told you about her before, she just thrives on drama, always arguing with someone, then wanting to go out and find this person and fight them, or damage their cars or their house. Yes, I used to be naughty and go along with these things, but I have grown up and I'm not interested in doing these things, I don't see the point. I don't want to act like a 15 year old chav!!
She knew I was in contact with the clinic and hospital on Saturday and she knew why.
Then Sunday evening, she got herself involved in someone elses argument, and was rowing with some girl on FB, she kept ringing me and asking me find this girls address (which I could have done if I really tried, there is no hiding from DI KK) but I just wasn't interested. Neither was the girl who's argument she had got herself involved in as she was with me. Then she said this girl was slagging off her parenting skills, and I still wasn't interested, I'm sorry, but if you decide to row with a young girl, then expect shit to be said!! (also, when I had my SIL saying stuff about me, this 'friend' told me just to ignore it, so she should heed her own advice)
I know in the past, I have always been the gun and she's loaded the bullets, but I've cottoned on to that now. She asked me to message the girl and I refused and said it's not my argument, you carry on with your argument if you want and she said the girl with grass her up and have her arrested, which proves what I said, she didn't care if I was to get grassed up and arrested, so I refused and said, she's not slagging me off, so I don't care. Then she rang back saying she is now slagging me off, and I still said, I don't care, the girl doesn't know me, I don't care what she thinks of me!!
Then my 'friend' lost it at me, was being really horrible saying I was using my failed IVF as an excuse to be a gutless cunt and that she didn't care about me still being physically and emotionally ill from the failed IVF, I'm just using it as an excuse to be a selfish gutless cunt.
I told her I wasn't interested in arguing with anyone right now, I have my own problems, Bongo is still not coping well with the failed IVF and Charlie is having problems with his home life at his dads and his school life. I need to concentrate on me and my family.
She then started ranting and raving at me saying I never do anything for her and her kids, which really hurt, because I have ALWAYS put her and her kids before myself and even Bongo and my own family.
It also turns out, she has actually caused more trouble for our friend she was 'sticking up for' and she may now be getting kicked out of her flat because of this.
I ordered her phone line and broadband because she was made bankrupt a few weeks ago, and I have received the email from them to say they will be installing it tomorrow, but I haven't even had so much as a thank you from her. This is me..... who does nothing for her and her kids.
By using my IVF against me in this way is unforgivable, she crossed a line and there is no going back from this. We will never be friends again. I will be pleasant if I see her (which she won't be, I know her, in fact, I wouldn't put it past her to now cause more drama with me) She over stepped the mark by a mile, but strangely, today, I feel at peace with this. I feel my life will improve without this negative influence in it.
I know this may sound weird, but I wonder if my failed IVF is karma, because of all the stuff she has dragged me into before and I have been involved in some of this shit.
Now I just want to live a normal life, no drama, and if that means just me Bongo, Charlie and Daniel, then so be it. They are the people who make me happy!
You're wondering who Daniel is? Dan is the new addition to my little family that seems to keep growing without the need for a pregnancy! Dan is my nephew who is now living with us. When he was away at The British Racing School, my sister moved in with her new partner and has put her penthouse up for rent, so Dan decided he wanted to live with us, so here he is, keeping me company and sane during the long hours Bongo is at work.
On the job front, now this is another thing that has pissed me off, the woman emailed ME last week and asked ME if I wanted the job and she wanted to put me forward for the job. I have heard nothing since that phone call, so I emailed her Friday to ask if their was any news, and I still have not heard anything from her, not even to tell me I haven't got the job!!
Why do they do that? What does it cost them to be courteous and let you know where you stand?
So I'm taking it I haven't got a job and am still looking.
I really wanted that job.
I have just read back the above post about my friend, and realise just how immature she is, and how stupid and immature I have been to go along with her life for however long I was.
I am so bloody glad I wised up and am away from that stupid, immature life!
It makes me sound like I am about 15 years old and such a knobhead.
I never realised how writing a blog could actually make you realise who you need to make changes to your life for the better!
So Thank You VOLDERBUMP for the lifelong ban and giving me the push to write my own blog!!! HA HA HA!!