Tuesday, 6 November 2012

The Past Few Days

I haven't updated the past couple of days, there's not really much to say IVF wise.

Injections are still going well, my skin seems to be getting tougher already, so I'm actually going to move the injection site further away from my belly button.
I'm getting really really bloated and tender now. Its a different feeling to how it was a few days ago. The last few times I spoke about niggles was like ovulation symptoms on clomid, that sort of pain and niggle, but obviously my body is going way over what clomid does! I does feel very full up down in my tummy, and its not as low as I expected it to be, the ironic thing is, I have what looks like a 16 week baby bump :(..... The general side effects of feeling generally ill and sick I'm coping OK with, feeling like I'm getting flu, headaches, sickness, being stupidly hungry. The hot flushes seem to have calmed down, now I just feel hot some times instead of raging hot flushes, I think this is because its taken a week of reduced synarel. But the way I see it, the more symptoms I'm getting, the more I expect the meds are working. I suppose it's like being pregnant, the more morning sickness, backache etc, the easier and more relaxed about the pregnancy we will become.

The past few days, my worries have changed, I am now worried I am going to ovulate naturally before my trigger shot and egg collection!
All these worries sound really ridiculous, but I want this blog to be totally honest, not just about the physical side of things, but the mental side of things. NOTHING can prepare you for the stupid worries that go on inside your head at the time. Maybe it's just me, because I have never read about these things on any blog or forum before.
But, I've just got to persevere and hope for the best on Friday. I cannot believe that I'm almost finished stimming, the past week has gone really quickly, hope fully, in 6 days (Monday) I will be going in for Egg Collection, then the REAL worries start.

Also, my brain farts are getting out of control, I actually think I have lost the plot, my best one from the past couple of days was a corker and still makes me laugh out loud at myself, even now I am laughing at myself for being such a dumb arse!
So, Bongo made me some Chicken Soup the other night, and I haven't had Chicken Soup for years and years, I started eating it and it was delicious, I looked up at him and said 'this is lovely, I haven't had Chicken Custard for years!'
I have no idea where that came from, poor Bongo didn't know if he should laugh or cry, I think he's scared I'm stuck like this forever!

I would also like to say a big thank you to one of my friends here. She knows who she is, I'm not going to 'out' her. But she went above and beyond the call of friendship the other day, no one has ever done anything so nice for me, I really truly mean that! It is the most unselfish act I have EVER been offered. Maybe I have always picked the wrong friends until now, but I actually think there is something very special about you, and I really love you for that.

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