Friday, 16 November 2012

Egg Retrival

Sorry I didn't update yesterday, the EC took it out of me more than I imagined. You will have to excuse my jumbled post for today, I'm still in a fair bit of pain and still a bit groggy from the sedation, I hope this makes some sense!

Again, I am going to sing the praises of my clinic, I cannot thank them enough for the care given.
I am the first to admit, I am not their usual class of private patient, being the biker looking chav with pink shaved hair and covered in tattoos, but they are all so down to earth and ready for a laugh and a chat, they really really put me at ease.

As some of you know, I have had a bit of a dodgy tummy for about a week now on and off, but it had seemed ok for the day or so before. Well, I had to use that damn rectal suppository before I left for the clinic, it was horrible! I felt like I needed a poo, it gave me the really bad stomach ache, I couldn't even have  fart because I probably would have had someones eye out if I had trumped, it would have shot out loikea bullet! I'm not sure if it was the dicky tummy I have had, or just the fact that I had to ram something resembling a bullet up my poop shoot. I was in pain for the whole hours journey there.

Within 10 mins of being there, they had me in the gown and had been talked through the procedure and signed the consent. But it didn't feel rushed. Bongo decided it would be a good idea to take pictures of me looking oh so sexy in my gown, and thats when we realised just how bloated I was, I actually look pregnant.

Then I'm off to theatre!
I walked into the room, and everyone was so friendly, you would never have thought what was just about to happen was about to happen! The anaesthatist was a lovely man, telling me he had never come across and husband who's name was Bongo before! We got talking about how Bongo got his nickname.

The stirrups on the operating table were very different to what I was expecting (what a weird thought) they were actually like the airboot I had when I ruptured my achilles tendon.

Then I was telling the anaethatist to make me nice and sleepy, and as he was putting the venflon in, the nurse opened up a picture on the wall and a man poked his head through so I could confirm my name and DOB with the lab!! (No, this wasn't a dream after I had been sedated, this really did happen!)

Next thing I know, I am being woken up and its all over and done with! I chatted the ususal bollocks with the man in recovery, but what a lovely man he was, and he chatted bollocks back to me!
As soon as I was put back in the room with Bongo, I obviously had to text my girls

I was given a hot chocolate, some biscuits and told as soon as the embryologist has been and spoken to me, and I have had a wee, I can go home.
The embryologist comes in and tells me I had 9 eggs, but they wont know much mor about quality and maturity until they start fertilisation, they also said Bongos SA was good (no surprise there) and we would get a phone call tomorrow morning before 12pm to let us know if and how many eggs have fertilised.
I was given my instructions on the pessaries and told to go home and rest. I have to take the pessaries rectally until the ET because the wax in the pessaries can clog up around the cervix and makeit difficult for the transfer.

So I got home and fell asleep on Charlies bed straight away, and then woke up in agony. I feel as though I have the worst trapped wind in my stomach and chest. I don't have any other symptoms of OHSS so I'm not worried.
The pain got worse and worse all night, and when I had a small dinner (indian, probably not my best idea) it just made it ten times worse. I actually do not believe I have ever been in so much pain. Then of course the diahroah started!! I actually do not think I could have felt any worse. I have the biggest sympathy for any woman who suffers with OHSS, as mine wasn't quite OHSS and I felt so ill.
You are not warned about these things!

Anyway, I had to sleep sitting up, so that any fluid in my abdomen and chest could drain downwards, and it is possibly the worst nights sleep I have ever had.


  1. First thing, I suspect your cat wasn't there for moral support...rather to use you as a pillow. Naughty!

    Secondly, is that bloating normal?!!! That's insane, you poor dear!!!!!! I do hope some of that has been released.

    Lastly, thank Bongo for the pictures! I've enjoyed the documentation thus far.

  2. Yes, the bloating is completely normal, and it's worse for a little while afterwards as well!
    Feeling a bit better with the bloating today, but it comes and goes. Hopefully it will calm down before Tuesday and I don't feel too yucky during the transfer.
    Bongo enjoys taking the pics! I'm sure (and hoping) he will get some pictures on Tuesday as well
