Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Mondays Date with the Dildo Cam

So I went back to the clinic yesterday for the follow up scan to see if any of the follies had grown over the weekend, I was really expecting the cycle to be cancelled. I hadn't really felt much difference over the weekend, only bad backache like AF pains.

I wasn't told how many I had, but from what I could see, possibly 5 are OK, and I have a big one on my ovary matching the lead folly on the left, so it seems the weekend of stimming has really helped. B/W was also taken to check my estrodial levels and if all was OK with that I would be booked in for Wednesday or Thursday for EC. I would receive a phone call from the clinic in the afternoon to tell me the situation.
At this point I would also like to say that I had the most amazing and down to earth nurse I have ever seen there, so this is my thank you to Nikki!

At 5pm, I get my phone call and here are my instructions!

Last night (Monday) I had to stimm with 150IU and carry on sniffing.
I am to carry on sniffing today and take my trigger shot at 00.30am tonight/tomorrow morning
Then I am in for EC on Thursday at 13.30pm, I have to take the voltarol suppository rectally before leaving for the clinic! Oh the JOYS!!

Exciting times!!

The injection last night was a bit different, because I was given two vials of 75IU that I had to mix together, instead of just drawing 150IU from a 600IU vial, I had a little panic, but think I done OK, it's so strange when your doing it yourself for yourself!

Now that one stage is over, I am on to worrying about the quality and quantity of the eggs and back to the old, will they fertilise!
As soon as you are past one stage, you can't help but worry about the next.

I shall video me doing my trigger tonight, it's very different to the injections I was doing, it's in a prefilled pen, which seems to be a lot easier, but knowing my luck, I'll make it into a drama!

Oh, and my bbs are KILLING me, I have never had such sore, tender bbs ever!! The nipples started being sore and tender Saturday night, then slowly they have got more and more tender, today, I cannot even wear a bra, my whole bbs hurt so bad. I just cannot wait until I start taking the progesterone suppositories on top of that!! << Sarcastic font!!

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