Saturday, 21 September 2013

What a week!

So, my birthing ball arrived! I can't even begin to tell you how much just bopping about on my ball has helped with the SPD! Best £30 spent this pregnancy so far!

I had my GTT Wednesday, I was the most awful, grumpiest, hungriest person in the whole world. It's a brave brave person who will deal with me at 8am when I haven't even had a coffee, it's an even braver person who allows their husband to sit next to me in a clinic waiting room full of women who are fasting to sit and eat a packet of prawn cocktail crisps right under my nose!

I want to give a big shout out to the staff at my Fetal Assessment Unit who are such wonderful, lovely caring ladies! They are amazing and so helpful. I told the nurse doing my bloods our story, the 12 year wait, the failed IVF and then the surprise spontaneous pregnancy, and she almost burst into tears and was so happy for us!

They also took my routine 28 week bloods whilst there and had to check my antibody levels to see what dose Anti-D I would need on Friday.

When we left the hospital, we went straight to Starbucks and I got my Latte with a double shot of espresso and almond syrup. When we got home and I had my first sip, along with a pain Au chocolate, Bongo said it sounded like I was having an orgasm and even the cat came strolling out of the bedroom to see what all the fuss was about!! Then I stuffed my face with a fried egg and mushroom sandwich, but alas, there will be no more of that..........

We went back to the hospital yesterday for me to have my Anti-D, but it had been sent to the wrong site of the hospital 15 miles away, the fantastic midwife rang down to pharmacy and had them immediately bring me the correct dose! Within 10 mins, I was sat with the massive needle in my arm! She was gave the big speech about not looking, so I told her after IVF meds, this was a walk in the park and she said 'Oh, your the lady! We heard your story Wednesday, everyone in the unit is thrilled for you! Congratulations!' Which was lovely!
Then the bad news, I am anaemic, so have been prescribed Ferrous Sulphate tablets. I was anaemic when pregnant with Charlie and I know from experience that these tablets make me as sick as a dog. I ended up swapping to a natural Iron source called SpaTone. I started taking my tablets last night, and you guessed it, I've been pig sick ever since. So I am going to take SpaTone in the mornings and the Ferrous Sulphate in the evenings when I can handle feeling rough a bit better.

I was also diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes. We kind of knew this was going to happen, after my funky blood readings back in 1st Tri. I am so angry at the nurse from my doctors surgery who shouted at me when I rang to discuss after having a hypo. She told me I was being silly and shouldn't have been checking my blood sugar levels as i was only worrying myself for no reason and I was wasting everyones time and shouldn't even have a blood glucose monitor. She should have listened and taken me seriously. I will be making a complaint.
So, I have diabetic clinic on Tuesday as well as midwife to pick up my equipment, see the nutritionist and learn about my diet. Hopefully it will just be diet controlled, but of course, if I need insulin, it will be no biggy to me injecting myself multiple times a day again!
It may very well go in my favour now about having a ELCS, babies tend to be bigger in mothers who have GD which would also mean a higher chance of her having a shoulder dystocia if I am to have a VBAC (which has always been my fear), and also, she may have to be taken to Special Care straight after birth for a couple of hours just to check her blood sugar levels are not too low. They will also not let me go over dates either and I would rather have an ELCS than be induced.

Also, I am having to use bum bullets again (suppositories) s I have hemorrhoid's. I hate these things! But they are getting quite uncomfortable now and the cream on its own just wasn't helping or relieving them.

So, all in all, it's been a shitty week for me, and I can't see the next couple of weeks getting any better. So many appointments coming up, but at least I get to see my little/big piglet again on the 1st October as I have a growth scan and an appointment with the Consultant. Hopefully they will just offer me a date for an ELCS. Keep your fingers crossed for me!


  1. Well, I would call that an eventful week!

    Oh bum bullets. Pregnancy is sexy, lol!

  2. What a minute you got your RH shot in your arm?!!!! I got it in the arse! Ugh it was awful, and I'm not one to fuss about shots.

    ELCS, they just need to cut the shit and go for it.

    1. Yep, I had it in my arm, I think because it's an intra-muscular, the site really doesn't matter, I'm just glad I didn't have to get my arse out!!
      Your right, they just need to cut the crap and book my ELCS!

  3. Urgh. Such a shitty time! You know I was shopping for bedding today and stumbled across a Christmas section (seriously!) and they had tons of 'babies first Christmas' stockings and I said to Marts "oh my actual god, KK can have one of these this year!" Just keep thinking of that my love!!

    Hopefully you can keep it in check with diet and nothing more and she'll come out picture perfect and screaming up a storm!!

    1. You know, I'd never even thought that far ahead! Charlie's Christmas - planned. Cora-Janes birth - Planned (sort of). Cora-Janes first Christmas? Completely didn't think about it like that!!

  4. Remember it's your right to have an ELCS. Take your mum with you if they refuse. It was already a challenge to you psychologically to consider a vbac. But with potential size issues with GD you not only have the RIGHT to choose the ELCS, but u have clinical justification. Give them my number if u have any bother. the Clomid has meant I've took no suit from anyone for 2 months. I'm ready fir them!
    Their whole purpose of their job is to support YOU so just repeat after me "I know my rights". Xxx

    1. Ooh, listen to this Clomid woman! Good advice!
