So I woke up to a text from the midwife asking if she could change my appointment to this morning rather than this afternoon, after lots of back and forth, I managed to get to my mums for the appointment. But Bongo didn't finish work in time, so he missed the appointment.
She done the usual checks on my urine, which was fine, and my BP which again was fine. She asked if I had any problems and I told her about my back and pelvis, I expected to be fobbed off, but she said straight away that if it's still bad in a months time, she will refer me to the physios.
I feel that her attitude toward me has completely changed, she couldn't have been more helpful and supportive today. I don't know if it was because my mum was in the room, and being very pushy!! But she has suddenly decided after my mum raising the subject of the birth (and making it clear she knew people in high places!!), that she will support my decision for a ELCS, I am to discuss this with my Obstetric Consultant at my appointment at around 28 weeks, and that if I want her there for moral support, she will come with me!! A complete turnaround from my last appointment.
I explained my fears about baby getting stuck, a forceps, then having to be taken for an EMCS, and I think she took me seriously and realised I had done my homework. She also said if the consultant is too pushy for a VBAC, she will then take me to see a Consultant Midwife instead, who will fight my corner for me.
My mum also managed to get in the full story about Charlie's birth, so I think that helped as well.
I have my appointment booked for my GTT for 18th September, and I also have to have an Anti-D on 20th September as my blood group is O-neg.
So, my appointment went better than expected, but I also wonder what her attitude will be like next time I see her! And they say I have a personality disorder!!