Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Off to the Doctors

So, I'm off to the doctors this afternoon.
I am taking a bag with pyjamas etc in, just in case I am admitted.

I had a very bad diabetic hypo last night. No warning whatsoever.
I was in a stressful situation, I had to move my old car, but it wouldn't start, which was pissing me off, I then drove to my mums on my own, decided I didn't like where I had parked and moved the car, then went into my mums. I told her and my dad I didn't feel too great, but was just stressed out and cold (because I was shivering), Mum made me a cup of tea with a sugar, (me not realising what she was picking up on) this made me no better, I ate a biscuit, still no better, my Dad then made me do my blood reading on his machine, I was 2.2. Then it all just went a bit weird. I remember throwing the machine at my Dad and saying 'well that will fucking do it' and walking into the kitchen to try and find something to eat to get my sugars back up again. Luckily, my Mum trailed behind me feeding me cereal bars and milk and made me finish the sweet tea. My Bloods went back up to 6.6, but physically, I don't even feel any better now. I felt spaced out, my brain felt fuzzy, I could only see out of one eye, shaking, nauseous and just acting really weird! Apparently my friend rang while all this was going on and I was talking absolute shit to her!

So I rang the Doctors and explained everything, the receptionist wasn't going to gove me an appointment until Monday, until the Doctor said that it could possibly be the UTI affecting my diabetes. And if the infection is left untreated, it can be a contributing factor to pre-term labour. So why didn't that damn hospital give me antibiotics last Friday and why didn't they ring me back on Monday, why has it got to this point where I have got really ill before anyone will see me or take me seriously?

Anyway, I will update later. Not sure if anyone's even reading anymore after all my drama!


  1. Oh dear, you're really struggling with the GD. I'm sure you eat well, as Ms. Cora will let you know when she's hungry. My eyes glazed over in school when it came to diabetes.

    I hope you'll be alright and they can get you sorted out medically.

  2. Oh wow Karen. Good job to your mom, she had a good hunch. Make sure you get a very thorough examination, you've been through enough.

