Friday, 8 March 2013

Miss my blogging

So I received a comment saying they miss my blogging, so here's an update, not much of one really!

I've had a lot going on away from TTC, my ex husband is being a bellend, so he's stressing me out. Charlie is getting in lots of trouble at school, so trying to get to the root of that. My cousin who is a big part (or was) of my life is also a bellend, but I won't go into details.

I can't remember if I posted about my obsession with getting married before we go for our next FET, but we have had a good chat about this, and we came to the conclusion, we have 5 frosties, we will only transfer one at a time, so we have 5 shots. Money is really tight at the moment, so we really can't afford to get married and go for the FET in such a short amount of time. We are not getting any younger and every month that slips by our chances are reduced, not drastically, but still another month older. We came to the conclusion, that we can get married when we are 60 years old, but we can't try for a baby at 60 years old, so we may as well have a couple of goes with the frosties until we are more financially stable, which brings me to my next piece of news.

I had a job interview a couple of weeks back, I went in and was honest and open about my past and it seems to have done the trick! I have been offered the job pending references. So I'm on tender hooks waiting to see if that's all comes back OK. I haven't received a written job offer yet, so it's all a bit up in the air, but hopefully, fingers crossed, it's the start of good things to come, will help us out financially, so we can do more of the things we want, such as getting married, another FET if need be.
The job is Ward Clerk of an Acute Medical Unit, a ward off A&E for patients who need to stay in longer than the 'red tape' allowance of 4 hours in A&E. Its a 100 bed turnover a day and also adding on 2 out patient clinics to the unit soon, so it will be a very very busy ward! Just how I like it!

Back to TTC. This cycle has been an absolute fucking arse!!! My cycles post IVF have been quite regular, 28,28 and 30 days. My cycles are normally pretty regular between 28-32 days.
Today is CD36 and still nothing as of this morning. When I had my FMU it was very dark and concentrated (very similar to when I'm just about to ovulate) I was going to do an IC, but changed my mind and done an OPK instead. That came up positive, so obviously, getting my hopes up (we've all heard the OPK as an HPT theory) I dipped an IC in the same urine but that was negative! BOOO!!!
Fast forward 2 hours and the damn witch has arrived. FUCK!!
Completely baffled!!
But glad I done the IC as I would probably have worried I may have been having a loss, what with late AF and the positive OPK.
I don't even know why I got my hopes up, I'm struggling on the BDing front again, so we were not very active this month. Also as a friend pointed out, it actually only takes once!!!

So, now I'm CD1, and we have decided we are going for the medicated FET when my next AF arrives. I'm hoping I just had a freak cycle this time and it doesn't happen again, as I may have to change my treatment plan. I can't really see it affecting the treatment, as I am going medicated anyway, but I need to be honest with them and make sure my hormones are all doing the right thing.

So that's it for now, not much else to tell you. Just waiting on hearing about the job, and hoping and praying this cycle behaves itself this time.


  1. Hot damn, my comment worked. :P

    Lovely update! Crossing my fingers for the job!

    1. Thanks Jess!!

      Update on the job on my latest post!!
